Letter from Michael Cartwright


Hi Guys, 

I hope everyone is staying positive and doing their best to make ends meet throughout this difficult time.

In the 26 years that I have been part of the events industry I would have never imagined that we would have to face a complete shutdown right across the board. However reflecting on the journey it took to get here I feel very grateful and fortunate to have had the freedom to experience so many amazing challenges and opportunities throughout my career and build my business to what it is today.

So I wanted to reach out and share some of the things that I have recently incorporated into my business model to try and find new revenue streams during the COVID-19 pandemic and moving forward until the events industry gets back on its feet.

So 19 weeks ago when we like everyone else in the events industry were completely shut down.

I thought okay I can hype up the social media and promote my venue and my man cave designs and build a new website etc

and as days started flying by and the realisation started to set in that being in my position and doing nothing constructive and having the responsibility of having a large event design and production hire company with huge overheads just sitting there was completely impractical and a little nerve racking. Then on top of that I just had all of our events canceled or postponed indefinitely and being a non essential business without any staff and locked up in self isolation I had no idea of how I was going to make any money at all.

Then watching the government start throwing stimulus support packages around to almost everyone apart from the events industry was so frustrating and awakening as now we new that there was no help coming from the government.

So I had to create an action plan and start looking for other ways to make an income very quickly.

So the first thing I did was to understand the way the pandemic was restricting and effecting the businesses and the community and what the restrictions would allow and how I could try to look for gaps and create new opportunities to do business.

So first


I choose to invest in and create a professional mobile temperature testing service complete with high end infrared cameras and in alignment with a full bio cleaning company that provides options for the cleaning and sterilisation of venues and work places.

The purpose is simple, its to test and identify any potential bio safety risk, then professionally manage the process, isolate and provide immediate guidance to the individual and relaying the relevant information discreetly to all interested parties.

This was rolled out with a health and safety management plan that could be tailored to any venues or specific work place’s and could be incorporated into future events during high venerable health periods.

And to complement this we designed and made our own Hygiene stations for events, Screens for bars, custom floor stickers and clear face shields for staff.


Then I thought about everyone living in lockdown for two to four weeks when the pandemic first hit and started advertising  through social media a concept to hygienically supply and deliver arcade games and lawn games to homes and families that might be looking for alternative entertainment options for the family through out the isolation period.



We took our 4x4 meter event domes and gave them a luxurious makeover and started a social media campaign to provide an intimate self contained bubble for 4 to 6 family members to enjoy. These luxury settings can be built anywhere and can be themed in so many different ways, The event domes provide the perfect COVID safe environment as an alternative to spending time at home.


I saw that the many home styling companies here in Sydney were still working as essential businesses through out the lock down, so I began contacting as many realestate agencies as possible and offering my styling services along with my vast array of high end furniture and decor.

Once I started advertising my services I felt the need to partner with a large home styling company and start dry hiring from each others stock, this became invaluable as it totally opened up resources that I never had, like beds and sheet sets, art work and book shelves.

This proved to be a good match with our current business model and we adapted very easily and will continue to keep offering this service as part of our business into the future.


I looked at how communication with b to b and people working from home had gone online so we turned our in-house venues into the most creative live streaming studios in Sydney.

And due to its popularity and value this is defiantly something I see us continuing to offer clients for quite some time.


While on the topic of online I also had the free time to co design and promote an online global interactive competitions that some might say is risky but hopefully I have partnered with the right team and it will be successful and a worth wile challenge to bring in revenue during this period with no events.


I saw an opportunity to create an outdoor social distancing dining experience that would be a safe and unique way for people to dine, 

Hoping this would offer an alternative for patrons to safely dine in a spacious picturesque environment with direct access to amenities instead of going straight back to an enclosed restaurant.

It was very difficult to find suitable locations that we could get council approval for.

Despite their negativity and inability to think out side of the box we persisted in contacting more and more councils and eventually we found a council that ticked all the boxes and understood our objectives.

Because this concept relied on having access to an exclusive open air location with an awesome view and direct access to amenities.

We required easy access to load in and out, and then to create a comfortable dining environment where the guests could enjoy a beautiful meal in a social distancing format while being reassured that every element of setup and service is professionally and hygienically manage and once completed leave without a trace, 



I started seeing how people were starting to relax around social distancing and not taking it seriously.

So I created a mobile Social Distancing Patrol character, which in short is a comically inspired police officer wearing PPE and riding on a fully safety branded Segway with measuring tapes strapped to the handle bars.

The objective is to promote social distancing in a light hearted and amusing way to keep it front of mind .

This is a fun and interactive way of endorsing the message to the public without the anxiety of being approached by the actual police in public areas.


While sourcing for a suitable space to host the outdoor dining concept I found a fantastic venue perfectly designed for socially distancing events and I immediately started planning a hidden whiskey degustation event and once again planning and promoting it myself

and it is starting to come together very nicely.

Still work in progress and hoping there is no further shutdowns that will jeopardise the event going ahead.


With everything that I have seen and experienced within the industry before and during this pandemic I personally want to start thinking differently and promoting change within the culture of the events industry.

I would like to see people start working closer and collaborating with other motivated like minded professionals.

I feel it’s time that we began sharing resources and ideas and take this opportunity to come together and create a new events industry that supports and understands each other like never before.

Because in the not too distant future we will need as much help as possible to get the industry back on track, especially with the amount of people out there that have chosen this as their industry. 

So if you are an event manager or freelancer, Supplier or hire company, designer or stylist let us know what you need and remember there is strength in numbers and job keeper won’t last forever.

In saying this Im happy to host or stream brain storming sessions days or nights to bring professionals together so we can learn more about each other and look at new ways to learn from and support one another.

So if you would like to know more or talk to us about the many ways that we can work together, feel free to contact me directly: michael@visionsinstyle.com